Quality Policy

ROSSI TPD presents itself in the market by offering certified products of the highest quality, in compliance with the most stringent Italian, European, and U.S. regulations.

As a strategic objective, it aims to achieve customer satisfaction through a constant understanding of their needs and the continuous improvement of all business processes.

To this end, ROSSI TPD is committed to consistently pursuing the following general objectives:

  • Strengthen a lasting and profitable collaborative relationship with all customers, in order to always provide products and services that meet their expectations at mutually sustainable costs and always in compliance with current laws and regulations;
  • Operate in full compliance with applicable regulations and standards concerning safety and hygiene in the workplace;
  • Always refuse any compromise that would lead to a reduction in the quality of the products handled and the services provided;
  • Always aim for the optimization of resources and inventory;
  • Pursue a constant level of flexibility in deliveries;
  • Customize the service provided according to customer needs;
  • Enhance the existing culture of quality by involving employees in the development of Quality and continuous improvement, through constant training and information activities;
  • Strengthen collaboration with strategic suppliers;
  • Understand and control the environmental issues related to climate change.

This policy is to be understood as dynamic and therefore subject to adaptations and developments in relation to the dynamics of the company’s internal and external environment.

It is periodically reviewed to verify its adequacy and consistency with the defined objectives.

It is therefore our firm intention to take all necessary measures to maintain certification in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard.

The Management is responsible for ensuring and supporting the implementation of this policy, taking on the leadership role, and for this purpose promotes the necessary initiatives for raising awareness and training personnel, each according to their own skills and responsibilities.

This policy is made public and disseminated to all employees, collaborators, and interested parties.